Work and Learn English
at the Same Time

Work and Learn EnglishThere are many ways to learn English, but courses can be expensive.

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Have you considered whether you can work and learn English at the same time?

This way, you can study in an English-speaking country and get some work experience and earn money to help pay for your course and your living costs.

Work and learn English –
what do you need to know?

Legality first

Firstly, make sure you have the correct documents in place if you want to work.

In some English-speaking countries you will need visas and work permits to be able to work.

You might find work without the documents, but it may be illegal and you could be asked to leave the country (or worse).

It is best to do things in the correct way.

Find what you need in advance

Secondly, try and find a job before you arrive.

It helps if you know people in the country you are traveling to, and if you have somewhere to stay.

Look in newspapers, magazines and on the internet. Ask people who are already there.

There are sometimes jobs available working in restaurants, cafes and bars.

These aren't always advertised so it is important to ask in as many places as you can. The situation is the same for jobs in hotels.

If you want a job in an office, or dealing with lots of people, you will need to have a good standard of English before you arrive. Experience is always useful too.

Have a good CV/resume prepared and send this to places you are interested in working in.

It is important to make sure there are no mistakes on it!

Your CV is responsile for the first impression people get of you. Make sure it is high quality.

Plan your schedule so it is doable

Thirdly, find out what hours you will be working.

If you want to combine your work with a course of study somewhere, you need to know what times you will be available.

Many jobs that are taken by non-English speakers involve working outside the normal times of working hours, so finding a course at the time you want may be difficult.

Some employers may provide English lessons as part of your training.

Others may help you by paying for some or all of the course fees, or by giving you extra time to study.

In some countries, you may be able to attend public courses free of charge if you are working there.

These facilities vary from country to country, so it is worth checking it out.

Working in an English-speaking country – the benefits

Obviously one of the best ways to learn English is to take a course in a country where most people speak the language.

However, many students of English spend the time when they are not studying with people of their own nationality, not speaking English.

If you are also working in the country, then you will probably have to speak more English outside your classroom, and this will help you improve your skills more quickly.

You will also gain valuable work experience that you can take anywhere in the world.

You may receive special training, or learn specialist English vocabulary that will be useful to you in the future, too.

Furthermore, you will also be paid for your job, and this will help you pay for your course.

So if you want to work and learn English, then get on the internet and start researching it today!

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