Vocabulary Websites
(Word Lists)
Vocabulary websites are something very useful
while building your
vocabulary. English has so many words that simply learning them in a
random way is not a good use of your time!
Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses
You should have a system, and you should concentrate on the most common
Now, why would you want to learn rare words before you have the basic
ones, right?
Well, you probably don't. But in order for you to focus on the
ones, you first need to know what they are!
So this is where the following list comes in handy.
It includes all the important word lists you need.
Make sure to make a good use of these lists! Visit
Building Vocabulary and Some
Common Mistakes to help you.
If you are looking for vocabulary activites, visit:
- Activities
for Teaching Vocabulary: How Can You Teach (or Learn) New Words?
- Teachers
Games for Vocabulary
And now, to the lists...
Most Common
Words in English
After visiting these websites, you have your word lists, and
that is good. But you also need to know how to pronounce them
correctly, right?
Visit our English
Word Pronunciation Lessons, and improve your English accent!
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