Vocabulary Sentences
and Examples
How and When to Use a Word?
Here you will find a collection of vocabulary sentences of words in
different subjects. Read these examples and
make sentences of your own.
This can greatly help you better understand these words, and use them
more naturally.
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Meeting and
Meeting Synonyms
When should you use each of these words: meeting, gathering, conference, assembly, congress, convention and session?
When people come together, intentionally or unintentionally.
We are having a meeting on Monday.
He's in a meeting, try again soon.
The meeting did not go so well.
When many people come together as a group.
There is a gathering of protesters in front of the City Hall.
I only see him in social gatherings.
- The gathering of candidates in Washington retied the bonds.
1) A large and formal meeting where a lot of people talk about
important matters, especially when it spreads over a few days.
The United Nations held a conference on solar energy.
We are attending the Conference on Child's Rights.
He will be a guest speaker at the conference next month.
2) A formal meeting to talk about business matters.
After a long conference with the rest of the board, he decided to
reject the offer.
You should be in the conference room at 5 o'clock.
Please do not disturb, we will be in conference.
When a group of people meets for a particular purpose.
We will not give up the freedom of assembly.
The principle gave a speech at school assembly.
- They are attending the Auto Assembly in November.
When representatives of different groups meet to discuss different
There was a lot of action at the national congress of the party.
The International Congress of Dentists will take place in London.
The Third Annual Fund Raising Congress was a success.
When people with the same interests or profession meet.
He's attending a teachers' convention in Rome.
The convention on human rights was an important step forward.
- The city's new conventions center will hold a convention for science fiction fans.
A period of time used for a particular activity.
The live video chat session is starting now.
In this session we will answer some questions from the audience.
Be quiet! There is a recording session in progress.
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