English Vocabulary Quizzes

Use these English
vocabulary quizzes to test yourself!
Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses
Some English words tend to be confusing.
For example, "borrow" and "lend."
Do you borrow a book from the library, or do you lend it?
(Tip: when you borrow, you TAKE. When you lend, you GIVE.)
Here's another one:
Do you give advice, or advise?
(Tip: "Advise" is the action, and "Advice" is the suggestion itself.)
Use these quizzes to check your knowledge and correct common mistakes...
List of Quizzes
Quiz – Good or Well?
Quiz – E.g. or I.e.?
Quiz - Borrow or Lend?
Quiz – Mustn't or Don't Have to?
Quiz – Ad or Add?
See also:
and Antonyms
Vocabulary Activities
Building Vocabulary and
Some Common Mistakes
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