Verbos seguidos
solamente por infinitivos
agree They agreed to give him a try.
(Aceptaron darle una prueba.)
appear He appeared to know everything.
(Parecía saber todo.)
arrange I have arranged to meet him on Monday.
(He arreglado para verlo el lunes.)
ask She asked to see her doctor.
(Pidió ver a su médico.)
care He doesn't care to answer.
(Prefiere no responder.)
choose We chose to ignore it.
(Escogimos ignorarlo.)
claim He claims to be an expert.
(Asegura que es un experto.)
decide She decided not to go to the party.
(Decidió no ir a la fiesta.)
demand I demand to see the person in charge!
(¡Exijo ver a la persona que está a cargo!)
deserve He deserves to win the contest.
(Merece ganar la competición.)
expect He expected to be home sooner.
(Esperaba estar en casa antes.)
fail They failed to follow the instructions.
(No siguieron las instrucciones.)
get It's not fair that she gets to see him before the others.
(No es justo que ella pueda verlo antes que los demás.)
happen I happened to pass by, so we had a chat.
(Pasé por casualidad, entonces charlamos un rato.)
hesitate Don't hesitate to call.
(No dudes en llamar.)
hope I hope to see you soon.
(Espero verte pronto.)
intend She didn't intend to hurt you.
(No era su intención lastimarte.)
know howHe knows how to run a business.
(Él sabe cómo manejar un negocio.)
learn He learned to speak Spanish very quickly.
(Aprendió a hablar el español muy rápido.)
manage We managed to finish everything on time.
(Pudimos terminar todo a tiempo.)
offer He offered to go for a walk.
(Ofreció ir a dar un paseo.)
plan You planned to meet us here.
(Planeaste vernos aquí.)
prepare We were preparing to leave when the phone rang.
(Estábamos preparándonos para salir cuando sonó el teléfono.)
pretend He pretended not to hear a word.
(Fingió no haber escuchado una palabra.)
promise She promised to take us with her next time.
(Prometió llevarnos con ella la próxima vez.)
refuse I refuse to cooperate.
(Me niego a cooperar.)
seem It seems to be broken.
(Parece estar roto.)
swear He swore to take revenge.
(Juró tomar venganza.)
tend These plants tend to grow slowly.
(Estas plantas tienden a crecer lentamente.)
threaten He has threatened to hurt us.
(Ha amenazado con hacernos daño.)
undertakeShe undertook to design the new collection.
(Asumió la tarea de diseñar la nueva colección.)
wait The runners were waiting to start.
(Los corredores estaban esperando para empezar.)
want I want to speak with you in private.
(Quiero hablar contigo en privado.)
wish I wish to change my address.
(Deseo cambiar mi dirección.)
would like I would like to add something before we continue.
(Me gustaría agregar algo antes de que sigamos.)
yearn She yearns to go free.
(Anhela estar en libertad.)
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