Teachers Games for Vocabulary
it comes to vocabulary improvement what can be as fun as teachers
games for vocabulary?
Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses
Vocabulary games can be especially effective since they invite a
hands-on participation of the students, and students love games!
What You Need Before Starting
- A whiteboard and markers
- Small pieces of paper
- A timer (you can use your phone)
- Space for students to move around
How to Make Teams
- Count students into groups of 3-4
- Mix stronger and weaker students
- Keep the same teams for 2-3 games
- For online classes, divide students into smaller groups using features such as Zoom's small group feature (In Zoom, you can split your big class into several small private groups – this is helpful for team games)
Games for Physical Classrooms
1. Hot Seat
- Put one chair at the front of the class
- One student sits in the chair facing the class
- Write a word on the board behind them
- Their team explains the word without saying it
- Give teams 1 minute to guess each word
- Start with easy words
- Show students an example first
- Use words from your textbook
- Give points to keep students excited
2. Word Categories Race
- Write 4-5 categories on the board (like food, animals, jobs)
- Give each team a piece of paper
- Teams write as many words as they can in 3 minutes
- Check spelling together after the game
- Teams get 1 point for each correct word
- Take away points for wrong spelling
- Use categories from recent lessons
3. Human Matching Cards
- Give half the class word cards
- Give the other half definition cards
- Students walk around to find their match
- Make the definitions very clear
- Students must speak in English to find matches
- When matched, pairs sit down together
- Check matches as a class at the end
4. Word Chain Game
- Students sit in a circle
- First student says a word from the lesson
- Next student must say a word starting with the last letter
- Students who can't think of a word in 5 seconds sit out
- Write words on the board as students say them
- No repeating words
- Start with easy categories like animals or food
- Give examples before starting
Games for Online Classes (Zoom, Etc.)
1. Virtual Hot Seat
- Teacher private messages a word to all students except one
- That student must guess the word by asking questions
- Other students can only answer "yes" or "no"
- Set a 2-minute time limit
- Use the raise hand feature for questions
- Keep a list of used words in the chat
- Give 3 points for fast guesses
- Take turns with different students
2. Show and Tell Race
- Teacher says a word
- Students race to find something in their home that matches
- First student to show and explain gets points
- Set 30-second time limit
- Check students have space to move safely
- Make sure all cameras are on
- Use simple words for items people usually have
- Let students suggest words too
3. Word Association Chain
- First student says a word from recent lessons
- Next student says a related word
- Continue until someone can't think of a related word
- That person starts a new chain with a new word
- Give students 5 seconds to respond
- Write words in the chat
- Help with spelling when needed
- Show example chains first
Making Games Work Better
For Physical Classes:
- Move tables to the sides if you need space
- Have word lists ready before class
- Ask stronger students to help explain rules
- Keep score on the board
For Online Classes:
- Test your mic and camera first
- Have backup games ready if internet is slow
- Use the chat for writing activities
- Share game rules using screen share
Important Things to Remember
- Games should be fun but also help learning
- Don't play one game for too long (15-20 minutes maximum)
- Praise students when they try hard
- Help with pronunciation during games
- Make sure all students get turns
- Keep rules simple and clear
- End each game with quick feedback
Remember: You know your students best. Change these games to match their level and interests. Start with easier words and make games harder as students improve.
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