Indicative Mood,
Imperative Mood
and Subjunctive Mood
English moods include the
mood, the
imperative mood
and the
subjunctive mood.
What are they and how do you use them correctly?
Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses
First of All, What Is a MOOD?
= a way to express the attitude of the speaker to what is being
There are three moods in English.
Indicative Mood
"We finished
the project on time."
means "stating a fact."
indicative mood is a
category of
forms that we use to state facts.
- "Joe plays
outside." (The speaker thinks it's a fact.)
- "It will rain
soon." (The speaker thinks it's a fact.)
- "She was studying
all day long." (The speaker thinks it's a fact.)
The indicative mood is the basic mood of
in English.
Imperative Mood
"Get plenty
of rest!"
Imperative means
"expressing an order."
imperative mood is a
category of verb forms that we use to express orders,
instructions, commands or requests.
- "Go outside!"
(This is a command.)
- "Close the door,
please." (This is a request.)
- "Don't move the
object." (This is an instruction.)
Subjunctive Mood
"I wish I had
some cheese..."
Subjunctive means "subordinate" (less important than
something else) or "dependent" (needing something/someone else).
subjunctive mood is a
category of verb forms that we use to express things that are not
facts: wishes, possibilities, doubts, suggestions, conditions, etc.
- "It may snow
(It is not a fact yet. It is a possibility in the speaker's
(Incorrect: "It
will snow
- "I would do it
if I had the
(It is not a fact. It depends on me having the time.)
- "You should listen
to your parents."
(It is not a fact. It is a suggestion.)
- "I suggest that Robert wait
a few minutes."
(It is not a fact. It is a suggestion.)
(Incorrect: "I
suggest that Robert waits
a few minutes.")
- "It's important that Sandra leave
on time."
(It is not a fact. It is what needs to be done.)
"It's important that Sandra leaves
on time.")
- "I doubt that Mary would
forget your birthday."
(It is not a fact that Mary will forget the birthday. The
speakers has doubts about it.)
- "Father insisted that Jennifer go
to school."
(It is not a fact that Jennifer will go to school. It is her
father's intention.)
"Father insisted that Jeniffer goes
to school.")
- "If he had worked
harder, he would have
completed the task on time."
(He didn't work harder, so he didn't complete the task on time.)
- "I wish I were
(I am not faster. This is a wish in my mind.)
(Incorrect: "I
wish I was
- "If I were you,
I would accept
the offer."
(I am not you. This is an unreal condition in my mind.)
(Incorrect: "If
I was you, I will
accept the offer.")
- "I wish it were
summer now."
(It is not summer now. This is a wish in my mind.)
(Incorrect: "I
wish it is
summer now.")
- "She suggests that Michael move
to the sales department."
"She suggests that Michael moves
to the sales department.")
All these sentences were examples of the use of the subjunctive
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