Simple Future Tense

(also called Future Simple)

The Simple Future is a very common tense in English. You should understand it, and know it well.

What's next?

  1. Read and understand the following explanations and examples

  2. Read and understand the Rules

  3. Practice, practice, practice with the Exercises

Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses

Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All Tenses

How do We Use the this Tense?

Here are the different usages of this tense:

Note: we don't usually use "will" to talk about future plans.
To talk about future plans we use "going to" or the Present Progressive.

For example:
  • Tomorrow morning we are going to visit grandma.
  • Tomorrow morning we are visiting grandma.

For more data on the different ways you can express the future tense in English read the Using the Future Tense in English article.

Make sure you also read:

Examples of Typical Time Expressions

Future actions or future states
(not plans) 

(The verbs are in bold)

Next week she will be five years old.

a girl with a doll

The drink will chill soon.

a hot cup of coffee

I hope they will have a happy family.

a bride and a groom

He will probably hit that ball.

a man playing ping pong

He will not survive in space without air.

a man in space

She will not finish soon.

a lady with a lot of work

Promises or intentions

I will clean my room later.

a kid playing marbles

I will win this game!

a boy playing baseball

Yes, I will come!

a lady on the phone

Sure, I will help you.

a nice secretary

Will you go out with me?

a guy asking a girl out

He will not do it.

an unwilling man

Examples of
Typical Time Expressions

  • Tomorrow
  • Next week
  • Soon
  • Later
  • In the future

Practice reading, writing and speaking in the Simple Future Tense. Download the English Grammar Stories and Exercises Series.

English Grammar Stories and Exercises

Boy writing happily

What's Next?

  1. If you want, you can REREAD the previous explanations and examples

  2. Read and understand the Rules

  3. Practice, practice, practice with the Exercises

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