Proper English Grammar

Many students
are determined to learn proper English grammar. But what
is that? And is it fixed or ever changing?
Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses
What does "proper" grammar mean?
There is a lot of debate about what proper grammar is.
English, unlike
Latin for example, is a living language and it is constantly evolving.
For example the word "email" used to be a noun but now it is also used
as a verb. "To email someone" is now in common use.
Not only is the English language changing over time, but it is also
different in different parts of the world.
The most notable grammar
differences are
British English and American English, and
Canadian English sits somewhere between the two!
"Proper" grammar is usually thought of as the standard grammar used by
educated people in an English-speaking country.
Grammar used on the
street may be very different, and although it may be useful to
English, it is not usually taught to students.
Why is proper grammar important?
If you are learning as a
hobby, or to use while you are traveling then it shouldn't be the first
thing on your mind
to have
grammar. But you do need to make sure people can
understand you so it is definitely important to learn the basic tense
structures, word order and conditional tenses correctly if you can.
If you are learning English for work purposes, then proper grammar
becomes more important. It could give a negative impression to
colleagues, clients or suppliers if you use incorrect grammar. Or even
worse, it could lead to misunderstandings and mistakes.
Of course if you are studying English to pass an exam, then proper
grammar becomes most important. Most English exams test your knowledge
of grammar to some extent – some more than others.
How can you learn proper grammar?
The best way to learn proper grammar is to find a good class with a
high grammar content in the lessons.
Some English lessons focus more on
communication skills, so ask the teacher how much grammar is included
this is important to you.
If you have covered a grammar point in your class that you do not
understand, it is important that you tell your teacher.
If he or she
doesn't know that you don't understand it, they will probably move on
to something more difficult and you will become even more confused!
you don't understand it, then it is probable that there is someone else
in the class who doesn't understand it either.
There are many websites available that
explain grammar
and have
you can do to practice.
There are also some excellent
grammar books available, such as
"English Grammar In Use."
Whether you learn in a class or on your own it is important to practice
the grammar you learn.
Don't be afraid to try to use more complicated
things that you learn in class. If you don't try then you will never
know if you are using the proper English grammar or not.
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