Regular Verbs
Irregular Verbs

English has regular verbs and irregular verbs. Now, what does that mean?

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Regular Verbs

A regular verb is a verb that follows this rule:

Past form of the verb = Present form of the verb + ed / d

For example, work is a regular verb because:

Past form of work = work + ed = worked

Dance is a regular verb too. That is because:

Past form of dance = dance + d = danced

We call the present form a base form, or V1 (Verb 1).

We call the past form V2 (Verb 2).

There is another form called V3 (Verb 3). That is the form that we use in the Perfect Tenses.

These are examples of Regular Verbs:

V1 V2 V3
help helped helped
open opened opened
stop stopped stopped
change changed changed

Irregular Verbs

An irregular verb is a verb that does not follow that rule.

For example, drink is an irregular verb because the past form of drink is drank, and not "drinked".

Go is an irregular verb too. That is because the past form of go is went, and not "goed".

These are examples of Irregular Verbs:

V1 V2 V3
take took taken
buy bought bought
eat ate eaten
give gave given
am was been

The English language has a great number of irregular verbs!

Boy writing happily

What's Next?

  1. Learn how to add "ed" to a regular verb

  2. Practice, practice, practice with the Exercises

  3. Check out the Learn English Video section

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