page contains a list of some of the most common American English
Idioms. It is organized alphabetically by the first word of
the idiom. Click on each letter below to jump directly to a certain
letter of the alphabet.
- a blessing in disguise
= something good that seems bad at first
I lost my job, but it was a
blessing in disguise because now I can spend more time
with my children.
- all Greek to me =
meaningless, beyond my understanding
The map was all Greek
to me.
- as easy as pie = very
That test was as easy
as pie.
- a slap on the wrist =
a mild punishment
After the fight, my brother only got a
slap on the wrist.
- at the drop of a hat =
I will help you at
the drop of a hat.
- bend over backwards =
help in any way that you can
John will bend over
backwards to help you.
- bite off more than you can
chew = take on too much responsibility
My sister has a full-time career, three children, and is the
coach of the soccer team. I hope she has not bitten
off more than she can chew.
- blow one's top =
become very angry
He blew his top
when he heard the bad news.
- break a leg = good
*This is a common way to say, "Good luck," when someone is going
to perform on stage.
- break someone's heart
= make someone sad
Judy broke Bill's
heart when she divorced him.
- break up = stop dating
Bill and Mary broke
up after a month of dating.
- catch some Zs = go to
sleep, take a nap
I am tired. I think I am going to catch
some Zs.
- change one's mind = to
think differently
I do not like her and nothing you say will change
my mind.
- chicken = scared;
My brother is too chicken
to jump off the diving board at the pool.
- cool = neat; awesome
His new car is so cool!
- crack someone up =
make someone laugh
My brother likes to tell jokes! He cracks
me up!
- dime a dozen = cheap;
common; easy to get
Those shirts are a dime
- down in the dumps =
feeling very sad
Sandy was feeling down
the dumps after she lost her job.
- drive someone up the wall
= annoy
The kids are stuck inside today and they are driving
me up the wall.
- egghead = smart person
Susan got a 100% on another exam. She is an egghead.
- elbow grease = hard
work; effort
Use some elbow grease
when you wash the dishes.
- feeling blue = feeling
Dan was feeling blue
after his team lost the championship game.

- fire someone = release
someone from their job
Sam's boss fired him
because he was late to the meeting.
- frog in one's throat =
scratchy voice; not able to speak normally due to soreness or
Excuse me while I clear this frog
in my throat.
- get a kick out of something
= find something funny or amusing
She gets a kick out
of watching the dogs play in the yard.
- get going = leave;
We better get going
so we are not late for church.
- get on someone's nerves
= annoy; irritate
You really get on my
nerves when you do not listen to me!
- get over it = stop
thinking about something that is bothering you; move on
The fight happened a week ago. It is time to get
over it!
- give someone a hand =
Let me give you a
hand with those papers.
- grab a bite = get
something to eat
Where do you want to grab
bite for lunch?
- hard feelings = anger;
bad feelings
Nick got Tim's job, but Tim doesn't have any hard
feelings towards him.
- hard-headed = stubborn
My dad is hard-headed
and will never change his mind once he has decided something.
- head over heels = very
excited; in love
She fell head over
heels for him on their first date.
- hit the books = study
The exam is tomorrow. You better hit
the books.
- hit the sack or
hit the hay = go to bed
I am tired. I think I will hit
- hold your horses =
wait; be patient
I will be there in 5 minutes! Hold
your horses!
- in someone's face =
getting aggressive with someone
He was angry with me and got
my face.
- in time = not late
If we leave now, we will arrive just in
time for the wedding.
- jaywalk = cross the
road in the middle of the street without a cross walk
It is dangerous to jaywalk
on a busy street.
- keep an eye on someone
= watch
Please keep an eye on
your sister while I am gone.
- keep in touch = stay
in contact by writing letters or calling
My friend is moving to Canada, but she promised to keep
in touch by calling once a week.
- kick the bucket = die
Tim's goldfish kicked
the bucket yesterday.
- kidding = joking
He was just kidding
when he told you to go home.
- lend your ear = listen
Students! Please lend
me your ears!
- lend someone a hand =
Can you lend me a
hand with these boxes?
- let the cat out of the bag
= tell a secret; tell about a surprise
She let the cat out
of the bag about the surprise party.
- make up your mind =
I cannot make up my
mind whether I want chocolate or vanilla ice cream.
- new kid on the block =
new person in a group
She doesn't know the rules because she is the new
kid on the block.
- nuts = crazy
My mom is nuts
about her grandchildren.
- on time = not late
I like to be on time
for church.
- out of the blue = when
something happens without notice
I was surprised when Lisa came to visit out
of the blue!
- over the top =
extreme; too much
She went over the top
by hiring a clown for her son's birthday!
- piece of cake = very
Today's lesson was a piece
- pig out = eat a lot
We pigged out
on Grandma's pancakes.
- pulling someone's leg
= teasing, joking, tricking
Do not believe him. He is just pulling
your leg.
- pooped = very tired
It was a long day at work! I am pooped!
- quick study = someone
who learns something fast
She will be the manager at work soon. She is a quick
- raining cats and dogs
= raining hard; lots of rain
It rained cats and
dogs during last night's thunderstorm.
- rise and shine = wake
up, get out of bed
It is 9:00 and time to rise
- run-down = needs
The house was cheap to buy because it was very run-down.
- saved by the bell =
saved at the last possible moment
He was going to ask me for help, but I was saved
by the bell when the phone rang.
- sick as a dog = very
Tony had the flu. He was sick
a dog for a week.
- spitting image = looks
exactly alike
Sarah is the spitting
image of her mother.
- step on it = hurry
We are going to be late if you do not step
on it!
- take it easy = relax
I am just going to stay at home and take
it easy this weekend.
- tie the knot = get
My parents tied the
knot in 1973.
- toss-up = the results
could go either way; a tie
My favorite flavor of ice-cream is a toss-up
between chocolate and strawberry
- under the weather =
feeling sick
I did not go to work yesterday because I was feeling under
the weather.
- vanish into thin air =
Where were you? You vanished
thin air as soon as the meeting finished.
- What for? = Why?; What
do you need me for?
Please get to work early tomorrow.
What for?
- What's up? = What is
happening? What is new?
I am glad you called. What's
- when pigs fly =
something that will never happen
I will go on a date with you when
pigs fly!
- x-rated = not for
children; only for adults
I changed the television channel because that show was x-rated
and there were children watching.
- you are what you eat =
you must eat healthy foods to be healthy
For more energy, you should eat some vegetables instead of
Remember, you are
what you eat.
- yucky = tastes bad
That mushroom pizza was yucky.
I did not eat it.
- yummy = tastes good;
These cookies are yummy!
- zip your lips = be
That was a secret! Zip
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