Future Progressive Tense
(also called
Future Continuous)
The Future Progressive is a very common tense in
English. You should understand it, and know it well.
Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses
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Read and
understand the following explanations and examples
and understand the Rules
practice, practice with the Exercises
The Future Progressive is a form
of the verb that shows the action will be in progress at a certain
or at some time period, in the future.
For example:
- Tomorrow at 8 o'clock James will be cleaning the
- James will
be cleaning the house all morning.
The Future Progressive is often used together with the
For example:
- James will
be cleaning the house when I arrive.
are the
different usages of this tense:
Make sure you
also read:
Typical Time Expressions
Actions that will be in progress
at a
certain point or at a certain
time period in the future
(The verbs are
in bold)
She will be singing
all night.

We will be doing
business next year.

He will be driving for
a while.

An hour from
now he will be lying
in a hospital.

At ten o'clock tonight she will be meeting her

He will be shouting
until he gets tired.

When he comes, she will be waiting.
She will be walking
confidently when she returns.
Janet will be talking, and
Emily will be listening
to every word.
Examples of
Typical Time Expressions
- Tomorrow
- At 5 o'clock
- Next month
- All afternoon
- All night

What's Next?
If you want,
can REREAD the previous explanations and examples
and understand the Rules
practice, practice with the Exercises
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