English Short Stories
Level 03
Story 03
Emily's Secret

Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses
Emily is
8 years old. She lives in a big house. She has a huge room. She has
many toys and she has a lot of friends. But Emily is not happy. She has
a secret.
She doesn't want to tell anyone about her secret.
She feels embarrassed. The problem is that if nobody knows about it,
there is no one that can help her.
Emily doesn't write her
homework. When there is an exam – she gets sick. She doesn't tell
anyone, but the truth is she can't read and write. Emily doesn't
remember the letters of the alphabet.
One day, Emily's teacher
finds out. She sees that Emily can't write on the board. She calls her
after class and asks her to tell the truth. Emily says, "It is true. I
don't know how to read and write". The teacher listens to her. She
wants to help Emily. She tells her, "That's ok. You can read and write
if we practice together".
So Emily and her teacher meet every
day after class. They practice together. Emily works hard. Now she
knows how to read and write!
The package contains funny simple short stories and many exercises for vocabulary and grammar.
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