R Sound
sorry, write)
Pronunciation, Lesson 22
R sound
(IPA symbol: r or
ɹ) can be found in American
English words such
and w
Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses
How to pronounce the R sound
R is a consonant sound. A
consonant is any letter in the alphabet that is not a vowel (vowels =
a, e, i, o, u).
The R sound
is called a liquid
consonant. This means that the position of
your tongue changes the path of the air as you produce this sound. The
air still comes out of your mouth, but its path is not straight because
of the placement of your tongue.
To correctly make the R
sound, your tongue needs
to be in the correct position. Raise the back of your tongue to lightly
touch the back teeth on both sides of your mouth. The center part of
the back of your tongue should be lower to allow air to move over it.
The tip of your tongue may curve a little, but it will not touch your
mouth or lips. Your tongue will be tense. It will not be loose.
The position of your lips is in a tight O shape. Your lips will be
slightly different depending on the placement of the R
in each word.
Rachel, from Rachel's English, shows how to create the R
in this helpful video!
It might take a while to become comfortable speaking the R sound. If you are
not comfortable with this sound, it just takes practice! Some people
have problems making the R
so they make a W
sound instead. If you want to speak English correctly and
improve your accent, you do not want to make this mistake. You need to
know the difference between these two sounds.
Rachel shows us the difference between these two sounds in this video.
There are three ways to
R sound:
R as in
red and F
RR as in
rry and so
WR as in
write and
spelling should be pronounced a little different than the other two
sounds because your mouth closes to make the W before the R.
Native English speakers usually pronounce the
R sound no matter
where it is in a word. But in some
R sound
is dropped (silent) in certain words.
R sound can be at the
beginning of a word (
wrong), at
the end of a word (ca
r), or
anywhere in between (F
Let's practice
First, practice pronouncing the R
sound and the W sound in these pairs of words.
R sound |
W sound |
red |
wed |
read |
weed |
ride |
wide |
cry |
why |
store |
glow |
storing |
glowing |
These are just a few words with the
R sound. There are
many words in the English language with the
R sound.
R sound at the beginning
of a word
1) red
2) right
3) wrong
4) ring
5) rope
6) write
7) rent
8) rich
9) rose
10) rabbit
R sound at the end of a word
1) car
2) bar
3) father
4) mother
5) singer
6) star
7) teacher
8) far
9) near
10) here (The R sound is
at the end of the word because the E is silent.)
R sound in the middle of a word
1) sorry
2) carry
3) bring
4) caring
5) worry
6) boring
7) are
8) cry
9) store
10) mirror
Now say these sentences out loud (the R sounds are bold):
1) Do not cry!
2) The teacher is very boring.
3) Mother, you are a star!
4) Tie the rope around the bar.
5) I am sorry I broke the mirror in the store.
7) My father has a red race car.
8) Write the letter to your brother.
9) How are you?
10) The ring is on the wrong finger.
Have you finished them all! Great job! Continue to practice
the R
sound to make sure you are doing it
Improve your accent
In some languages, the
sound can be switched with the
L sound. In other
languages, the
R sound
may not even exist.
If you want to improve your accent, you need to practice both of these
sounds and learn to pronounce them correctly.
Not knowing how to pronounce
these sounds can lead to errors in pronunciation.
Want more tips on how to
improve your accent?
Read this article:
Ten Tips.
Well done! You have completed this lesson.
Let's move on...
List of Lessons
Lesson 01: International
Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
Lesson 02: Word
Stress and Syllables
Lesson 03: Long E
sound (meet,
Lesson 04: Short I
Sound (sit,
Lesson 05: UH Sound
(put, foot)
Lesson 06:
OO Sound (moon,
Lesson 07: Short E
sound (pen, bed)
Lesson 08: Schwa
Sound (the, about)
Lesson 09: UR Sound (turn, learn)
Lesson 10: OH Sound (four, store)
Lesson 11: Short A
Sound (cat, fat)
Lesson 12: UH Sound (but, luck)
Lesson 13: Soft A
Sound (arm, father)
Lesson 14: Long O
Sound (boat,
Lesson 15: Long A
Sound (say, pain, make)
Lesson 16: Short O
Sound (not, off, socks)
Lesson 17: Diphthong
(a combination of two vowel sounds)
Lesson 18: P Sound
(cup, punch, pull) and B sound (cub, bunch, bull)
Lesson 19: The Nasal
Sounds (M, N, NG)
Lesson 20: F Sound (four, lift, graph, tough) and V Sound (love, knives, grave, vine)
Lesson 21: W Sound (wow, quit, where)
Lesson 22: R Sound (red, sorry, write)
Lesson 23: H Sound (he, behind, who)
Lesson 24: T Sound (top, it, later) and D Sound (do, had, made)
Lesson 25: S Sound (sit, box, cats) and Z Sound (zip, buzz, boys)
Lesson 26: K Sound (kid, talk, black) and G Sound (go, big, dog)
Lesson 27: L Sound:
Light L & Dark L (tall,
like, English)
Lesson 28: Y
Consonant Sound (yes,
you, beyond)
Lesson 29: CH Sound (China, century, watch) and J Sound (Germany, educate , judge)
Lesson 30: TH
Consonant Sounds – voiced TH sound (the,
father, them) and voiceless
(unvoiced) TH sound (think,
birthday, south)
Lesson 31: SH
(shop, chef, special) and ZH (usual, massage, Asia)
Lesson 32: T and TT Sounds (true T sound, D sound, stop sound, silent T)
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