EFL Jobs in the UK
If you are looking for EFL jobs in
the UK (EFL stands for English
as a Foreign
you will need, as a minimum:
- a Cambridge CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults)
- Trinity TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
You may be able to find work as an EFL teacher if you have a PGCE (Postgraduate Certificate in Education), but it
would probably only be a summer job. |
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Summer Schools
Most EFL work in the UK is at summer schools. These generally run
during July and August and are held in universities and schools across
the UK.
Typically, groups of children and teenagers come to the UK for between
1 and 6 weeks during the summer. They follow a program of lessons and
activities while they are there.
Most of the kids come from Europe, although numbers from the Far East
are increasing.
Teaching at a summer school is often residential, and food is provided.
You do not always have to live on site if you have accommodation nearby.
Apart from teaching classes (often, but not always, with topic based
materials provided by the school), you may have to help with social
activities such as discos, sports, or excursions.
Senior Teacher Duties
In addition to the duties of a teacher, a senior teacher at a summer
school may also have to mentor new teachers, assess students' levels,
write reports and create materials. They may also have extra
supervisory duties.
Teaching adults
Jobs teaching EFL to adults are harder to find than jobs teaching
teenagers, and they can usually only be found in large cities or
coastal towns.
Some private language schools open year-round, but even if you are
teaching adults, the peak season is still during the summer and many
schools only offer temporary contracts.
Full time, permanent contracts are rare in EFL in the UK and are
generally only available to people with relevant experience.
ESOL stands for
It is different from EFL as it is designed for adult students who are
living in the UK, whereas EFL (
as a
is designed for students who are not living in an English speaking
Click here for more
clarification on these different terms.)
Many local colleges teach ESOL courses and it is possible to find work
if you have a CELTA or TESOL qualification. Colleges generally prefer
to recruit staff who hold a PGCE in post-compulsory education, though.
It is sometimes possible to start studying for the PGCE qualification
after you accept an ESOL job, and some colleges will even help you by
giving you time off to study, and by paying some or all of your tuition
Private tuition
The final type of EFL teaching you can do in the UK is private tuition.
You can do this through an agency, privately, or through an
organization which sends you students who you teach while they stay in
your home.
This kind of teaching is very intensive and you need to be "on duty"
24/7, teaching and providing accommodation and food.
If you are prepared to make an effort to find EFL work there are many
different paths you can follow. Make your research and find the best
one for you!
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