The Best Methods
for Learning English

The best methods for learning EnglishIf I had a dollar for every time a student asked me what the best methods for learning English were, I would be very rich!

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Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All Tenses

Every student is different and what works well for one person may not work for someone else.

But there are some general tips, and some steps you can follow to make learning English easier.

1. Go to classes.

Some people can learn on their own with a book or a computer, but it takes a great deal of dedication, motivation and a systematic approach.

Most people learn faster, remember more, and have more fun in a class. It isn't important where the class is, but your learning will improve if you do it with other people.

2. Visit an English-speaking country.

You will only really start learning the natural language people speak if you visit a country where English is spoken.

Of course, if you can combine (1) and (2) by going to classes in an English-speaking country, then this is even better!

Look for language schools in the country you want to visit. Most English-speaking countries have many schools to choose from.

If this isn't possible, then a holiday in an English-speaking country is great, but make sure you speak English while you are there!

3. Practice!

This is the big one. It is probably the most important.

If you don't practice what you learn, you are unlikely to remember it.

Use new words and grammar as soon as you can, and keep using them.

Set yourself challenges to speak English for a certain length of time each day, to use a certain number of new words each day, or to listen to English TV, radio, or internet broadcasts each day.

This way you will improve more quickly.

4. Listen and read.

Besides listening, read as much as you can in English.

I'm not suggesting you start trying to read Shakespeare, but find a book you like, a magazine, a newspaper, or even a website, and read something new as often as you can.

Look up words you don't know, to increase your vocabulary. Don't try to guess them from the context. Your dictionary may very well be your best friend :)

5. Don't take the easy path.

It is important to repeat the things you learn so you don't forget them. But it is also very important to try and learn new things.

If you have completed an intermediate class, don't do another class at the same level. Push yourself to try a harder class.

Buy more difficult books. Try watching movies without the subtitles on.

All of these things will be difficult at first but because you are challenging yourself, you will learn more.

Why are you learning English?

These five steps will help you learn English, but the thing that will help you the most is to know why you are learning English.

If you have a reason to do something, it gives you motivation.

Studies have shown that motivation has the biggest influence on how well and how quickly students learn something!

So if you have a reason to learn, you will find learning English much easier than if you don't have one.

So what is your reason?

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