You and I vs You and Me

Subjective and Objective Pronouns

English is full of confusing words and phrases. The phrases "you and I" and "you and me" are confusing for many English learners. Fortunately, there is an easy way to know which one to use. In this lesson, you will learn the differences between the pronouns I and Me. You will also learn how to use them correctly in speaking and writing.

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Read these two sentences:

You and I should prepare dinner.

You and me should prepare dinner.

Two women with food

Which one is correct?

You and I vs You and Me is confusing for English learners. Even some native speakers have difficulties with this!

In this lesson, you will learn the differences between the English pronouns I and Me. You will also learn a trick to help you use them correctly in sentences. 

two people talking

English pronouns

You, Me, and I are all English pronouns. A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun.

There are several different types of pronouns. You, Me, and I are all personal pronouns because they all represent people.

There are two kinds of personal pronouns in English: subjective and objective

Subjective pronouns

Subjective pronouns are pronouns that are used as the subject of a sentence.

I is a subjective pronoun.


  • I play the guitar.

  • I can sing.

  • I am happy.

  • I am a teacher.

  • I love English.

I love English

Objective pronouns

Objective pronouns are pronouns that are used as the object of a sentence.

Me is an objective pronoun.


  • Nick called me.

  • She gave the book to me.

  • The teacher asked me a question.

  • The book belongs to me.

  • Give it to me.

Give it to me.

The pronoun "you"

The pronoun you can be a subjective pronoun or an objective pronoun.



  • You are smart.

  • You have a good teacher.

  • You are my friend.

  • You speak good English!

You speak good English!


  • I like you.

  • Mary needs you.

  • She gave the book to you.

  • They called you last night.

They called you last night.

Let's review:

Pinterest Graphic

I is always the subject of a sentence and Me is always the object of a sentence.

  • I love you.

  • You love me.

  • I am happy.

  • You are happy for me.

You are happy for me.


  • Me love you.

  • You love I.

  • Me is happy.

  • You are happy for I.

So, how do you choose between
I and Me in a sentence?

Read these two sentences:

You and I should prepare dinner.


You and me should prepare dinner.

Two women with food

Here is some good news: There is an easy way to choose!

Say the sentences without the word you.

I should prepare dinner.

Me should prepare dinner.

thinking girl

Which one sounds correct?

The first sentence is correct.

I should prepare dinner.

You and I should prepare dinner.

Let’s try another example:

He gave the book to you and I.


He gave the book to you and me.

Say the sentences without the word you.

He gave the book to I.

He gave the book to me.


Which one sounds correct?

The second sentence is correct.

He gave the book to me.

He gave the book to you and me.

In these types of sentences, always place you before me or I. It is respectful to say you before me or I.


  • He gave the book to me and you.

  • I and you should prepare dinner.


  • He gave the book to you and me.

  • You and I should prepare dinner.

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