Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses
have the package. (Tengo el paquete.) |
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says, "I have the package." (Dice, "Tengo el paquete".) |
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have the package. (Tengo el paquete.) |
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says he has the package. (Dice que tiene el paquete.) |
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Discurso directo | Discurso indirecto |
She says, "I like ice
cream." (Dice, "Me gusta el helado".) |
She says she likes ice cream.
(Dice que le gusta el helado.) |
They say, "You are
right." (Dicen, "Tienen razón".) |
They say we are right. (Dicen que tenemos razón.) |
He says, "My name is
Gary." (Dice, "Mi nombre es Gary".) |
He says his name is Gary.
(Dice que su nombre es Gary.) |
Discurso directo | Discurso indirecto |
He says, "I work every
day." (Dice, "Trabajo todos los días".) |
He says he works every
day. (Dice que trabaja todos los días.) |
She says, "I am a big
girl." (Dice, "Soy una chica grande".) |
She says she is a big girl.
(Dice que es una chica grande.) |
Bonnie says, "I have a
question." (Bonnie dice, "Tengo una pregunta".) |
Bonnie says she has a
question. (Bonnie dice que tiene una pregunta.) |
Discurso directo | Discurso indirecto |
She said, "I work here." (Dijo, "Trabajo aquí.") |
She said she worked there.
(Dijo que trabaja allí.) |
They said, "We are eating now." (Dijeron, "Estamos comiendo ahora".) |
They said they were eating then. (Dijeron que estaban comiendo en ese momento.) |
You said, "She sings today."
(Dijiste, "Ella canta hoy".) |
You said she sang that
day. (Dijiste que ella cantaba ese día.) |
He said, "I will come tomorrow." (Dijo, "Vendré mañana".) |
He said he would come the following day. (Dijo que vendría el día siguiente.) |
this (este / esta) |
that (ese / esa) |
these (estos / estas) |
those (esos / esas) |
here (aquí) |
there (allí) |
now (ahora) |
then / at the time (entonces / en ese momento) |
today (hoy) |
that day / yesterday (ese día / ayer) |
yesterday (ayer) |
the day before / the previous day (el día anterior) |
a week ago / last week (hace una semana / la semana pasada) |
a week before / the previous week (una semana antes / la semana anterior) |
last month (el mes pasado) |
the month before / the previous month (el mes anterior) |
next year (el año que viene) |
the following year (el otro año) |
in three years (en tres años) |
three years from then (tres años después) |
Discurso directo | Discurso indirecto |
Ten minutes ago you said, "We have a lot of work today." (Hace diez minutos dijiste, "Tenemos mucho trabajo hoy".) |
Ten minutes ago you said we had a lot of work today. (Hace diez minutos dijiste que teníamos mucho trabajo hoy.) |
am sorry. (Lo siento.) |
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said he was sorry. (Dijo que lo sentía.) |
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Discurso directo | Discurso indirecto |
You said, "We are late."
(Dijiste, "Estamos llegando tarde".) |
You said we were late.
(Dijiste que estábamos llegando tarde.) |
They said, "We have plans."
(Dijeron, "Tenemos planes".) |
They said they had plans.
(Dijeron que tenían planes.) |
He said, "I work hard." (Dijo, "Trabajo duro".) |
He said he worked hard. (Dijo que trabajaba duro.) |
She said, "I drink
water." (Dijo, "Tomo agua".) |
She said she drank water. (Dijo que tomaba agua.) |
Discurso directo | Discurso indirecto |
Presente simple |
Pasado simple |
He said, "I eat
cheese." (Dijo, "Como queso".) |
He said he ate
cheese. (Dijo que comía queso.) |
Presente progresivo |
Pasado progresivo |
He said, "I am
eating cheese." (Dijo, "Estoy comiendo queso".) |
He said he was
eating cheese. (Dijo que estaba comiendo queso.) |
Presente perfecto |
Pasado perfecto |
He said, "I have
eaten cheese." (Dijo, "He comido queso".) |
He said he had eaten
cheese. (Dijo que había comido queso.) |
Presente perfecto progresivo |
Pasado perfecto progresivo |
He said, "I have been eating cheese." (Dijo, "He estado comiendo queso".) |
He said he had been eating cheese. (Dijo que había estado comiendo queso.) |
Pasado simple |
Pasado perfecto |
He said,
"I ate
cheese." (Dijo, "Comí queso".) |
He said he had eaten
cheese. (Dijo que había comido queso.) |
Pasado progresivo |
Pasado perfecto progresivo |
He said, "I was
eating cheese." (Dijo, "Estaba comiendo queso".) |
He said he had been
eating cheese. (Dijo que había estado comiendo queso.) |
Pasado perfecto |
Pasado perfecto (sin cambio) |
He said, "I had
eaten cheese." (Dijo, "Había comido queso".) |
He said he had eaten
cheese. (Dijo que había comido queso.) |
Pasado perfecto progresivo |
Pasado perfecto progresivo (sin cambio) |
He said, "I had been eating cheese." (Dijo, "Había estado comiendo queso".) |
He said he had been eating cheese. (Dijo que había estado comiendo queso.) |
Discurso directo | Discurso indirecto |
Will | Would |
She said, "I will
eat cheese." (Dijo, "Comeré queso".) |
She said she would
eat cheese. (Dijo que comería queso.) |
Can |
Could |
She said, "I can eat
cheese." (Dijo, "Puedo comer queso".) |
She said she could
eat cheese. (Dijo que podía comer queso.) |
Must |
Had to |
She said, "I must
eat cheese." (Dijo, "Debo comer queso".) |
She said she had to
eat cheese. (Dijo que tenía que comer queso.) |
Shall |
Would |
She said, "I shall
eat cheese." (Dijo, "Comeré queso".) |
She said she would
eat cheese. (Dijo que comería queso.) |
May |
Might |
She said, "I may eat
cheese." (Dijo, "Tal vez coma queso".) |
She said she might
eat cheese. (Dijo que tal vez comería queso.) |
Discurso directo | Discurso indirecto |
Would |
She said, "I would
eat cheese." (Dijo, "Comería queso".) |
She said she would
eat cheese. (Dijo que comería queso.) |
Could |
She said, "I could
eat cheese." (Dijo, "Podría comer queso".) |
She said she could
eat cheese. (Dijo que podía comer queso.) |
Should |
She said, "I should
eat cheese." (Dijo, "Debería comer queso".) |
She said she should
eat cheese. (Dijo que debería comer queso.) |
Might |
She said, "I might
eat cheese." (Dijo, "Tal vez coma queso".) |
She said she might
eat cheese. (Dijo que tal vez comería queso.) |
Ought to |
She said, "I ought
to eat cheese." (Dijo, "Debería comer queso".) |
She said she ought
to eat cheese. (Dijo que debería comer queso.") |
Discurso directo | Discurso indirecto |
You said, "The Earth is
round." (Dijiste, "El planta Tierra es redondo".) |
You said the Earth is
round. (Dijiste que el planta Tierra es redondo.) O You said the Earth was round. (Dijiste que el planeta Tierra era redondo.) |
I said, "Rome is in Italy."
(Dije, "Roma queda en Italia".) |
I said Rome is in Italy. (Dije que Roma queda en Italia.) O I said Rome was in Italy. (Dije que Roma quedaba en Italia.) |
She said, "People sleep at
night." (Dijo, "La gente duerme de noche".) |
She said people sleep at
night. (Dijo que la gente duerme de noche.) O She said people slept at night. (Dijo que la gente dormía de noche.) |
Discurso directo | Discurso indirecto |
You say, "I jog daily." (Dices, "Salgo a correr a diario".) |
You say you jog daily.
(Dices que sales a correr diario.) |
You have said, "I jog daily."
(Has dicho, "Salgo a correr diario".) |
You have said you jog
daily. (Has dicho que sales a correr diario.) |
You will say, "I jog
daily." (Dirás, "Salgo a correr diario".) |
You will say you jog daily.
(Dirás que sales a correr diario.) |
Discurso directo | Discurso indirecto |
She asked, "Are you well?" (Preguntó, "¿Estás bien?".) |
She asked if I was
well. (Preguntó si estaba bien.) |
"Where do you live?" he asked me. ("¿Donde vives?", me preguntó.) | He asked me where I lived. (Me preguntó dónde vivía.) |
"Why don't we meet?" she asked me. ("¿Por qué no nos vemos?", me preguntó.) |
She asked me why we didn't meet. (Me preguntó por qué no nos veíamos.) |
I asked, "How does she make them?" (Pregunté, "Cómo los hace?".) |
I asked how she made them. (Pregunté cómo los hacía.) |
They asked, "Where is the mall?" (Preguntaron, "¿Dónde queda el centro comercial?".) |
They asked where the mall is. (Preguntaron dónde queda el centro comercial.) |
Discurso directo | Discurso indirecto |
"Go home," she told me.
("Vete para tu casa", me dijo.) |
She told me to go home. (Me dijo que me fuera para mi casa.) |
"Start talking," he told
us. ("Empiecen a hablar", nos dijo.) |
He told us to start
talking. (Nos dijo que empezáramos a hablar.) |
"Stop right there," they
ordered us. ("Paren ahí mismo", nos ordenaron.) |
They ordered us to stop right there. (Nos ordenaron que paráramos ahí mismo.) |
"Could you please open the
door?" she asked me. ("¿Podrías abrir la puerta, por favor?", me pidió.) |
She asked me to open the
door. (Mi pidió que abriera la puerta.) |
"Don't shout," I asked. ("No griten", pedí.) |
I asked them not to
shout. (Les pedí que no gritaran.) |
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