E.g. or I.e?


Which of the following sentences is incorrect?
  1. John likes vegetables, i.e. lettuce and carrots.
  2. Many countries, e.g. France and Italy, will participate.
  3. My family, i.e. my parents and brothers, won't agree to this.
  4. Farm animals, e.g. cows and sheep, need natural food.

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The incorrect sentence is sentence number one:
  • John likes vegetables, i.e. lettuce and carrots.


"I.e." is used the explain exactly what something means, not just to give an example.

Naturally, the group of vegetables contains many other group members.

The same sentence corrected

To correct the sentence, we could say:
  • John likes vegetables, e.g. lettuce and carrots.
  • John likes vegetables, such as lettuce and carrots.
  • John likes vegetables, for example lettuce and carrots.

See also:

Synonyms and Antonyms

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