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What's the Time? What's the Aspect?

Write the TIME and ASPECT for each sentence. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if you don't know. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints!
1. Sarah went home. TIME: ASPECT:
2. Bill will buy a new car. TIME: ASPECT:
3. She likes cookies. TIME: ASPECT:
4. Tomorrow he will be painting his car. TIME: ASPECT:
5. I was washing the dishes. TIME: ASPECT:
6. You are not listening. TIME: ASPECT:
7. They had a yellow house. TIME: ASPECT:
8. Mark has done his homework. TIME: ASPECT:
9. I will have eaten lunch by 6 PM. TIME: ASPECT:
10. We live together. TIME: ASPECT:
11. She was running after the dog all morning. TIME: ASPECT:
12. My boss will be waiting for this. TIME: ASPECT:

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