The Complete List of
English Spelling Rules
15: Forming Adverbs
this series of lessons, you will learn useful spelling rules
This lesson will give you helpful guidelines so that you know how to
properly spell
you want to form from
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As you know, an
adjective in English describes a
noun. An
adverb describes a
adjective, another adverb, or even an entire
Most adverbs have a special ending:
You can form adverbs from some
adjectives, but you must be careful of the spelling.
Here are some rules to help you.
1. Adding -ly to the end of the adjective
Mark is running
to catch his bus.
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Many adjectives can be transformed into adverbs. In most cases, we do
this by simply adding -ly to the end of the adjective.
Here are some examples:
- suddenly
- brightly
- slowly
- mysteriously
- really
- interestingly
- politely
- kindly
- generously
- calmly
- nervously
- generally
2. Adjectives ending in -y
Fred looked
at his big ice cream cone.
When the adjective you want to make into an adverb ends in -
y, you must change
y to an
i, then add -
Here are some common examples:
- happily
- angrily
- clumsily
- lazily
- hastily
- messily
- readily
- stealthily
- cozily
3. Adjectives that end in -le
Marlene is sitting
in her favorite chair.
When the adjective ends in -
remove the
and replace it with a
For example:
- terribly
- incredibly
- adorably
- acceptably
- understandably
- noticeably
- recognizably
- predictably
- suitably
- remarkably
4. Comparative and superlative adverbs
Dave's car is moving
more slowly
than Ethan's car.
Finally, when you want to form a
or a superlative adverb,
you should add "more" before the adverb to make it comparative, and
"most" to make it superlative.
For example:
Correct: Paul spoke
more politely than Erica.
Incorrect: Paul spoke
politelier than Erica.
Correct: I saw the
most amazingly beautiful film yesterday!
Incorrect: I saw the
amazingliest beautiful film yesterday!
Remember that the adverb
is irregular. Its comparative form is
better, and its
superlative form is
Correct: Mark did
better on the test than I did, but Amanda did the
Incorrect: Mark did
more well on the test than I did, but Amanda did the
most well.
So, let's review what we have learned about forming adverbs in English:
- Most adjectives that can be transformed into adverbs simply
need -ly
added to the end.
- If the adjective ends in -y, you must change
the y to i, then add -ly.
- If the adjective ends in -le, you should
remove the e
and add -y.
- To form a comparative adverb, add "more" before it. To make
it superlative, add "most." Remember that the adverb "well" is
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