Let's practice English comparatives and superlatives through a fun short story about a good swimmer, who gets better, but wants to become the best!
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Leo loves swimming. Every day, he goes to the pool to practice. He is a good swimmer, but he wants to be better.
One afternoon, he watches his friend Noah. Noah swims better than Leo. He moves faster, and his movements are smoother.
Leo asks, "Noah, how do you swim so well?"
Noah smiles and says, "I practice every morning. The more you practice, the better you become."
Leo decides to train harder. He wakes up early, stretches, and jumps into the pool before the sun rises. At first, it is difficult. His arms feel heavy, and his legs move slowly. But every day, he swims better than before.
A month later, the swimming coach announces a race. "The winner will get a big surprise," he says. Leo feels ready.
The day of the race arrives. The pool is full of swimmers. The whistle blows, and everyone dives in. Leo moves quickly. His arms push the water strongly, and his legs kick with perfect rhythm. He reaches the finish line first!
The coach claps and says, "Leo is the best swimmer!"
Everyone cheers.
"And now," the coach continues, "for the big surprise…"
Leo waits, excited.
The coach smiles. "Leo, your prize is… waking up even earlier! From now on, you will train with the professional team at 5:00 a.m. every morning!"
Leo’s eyes widen. He thought the prize would be a medal. He looks at Noah, who laughs.
Leo sighs, then smiles widely. "Well," he says, "I guess to be the best, I have to wake up the earliest too!"
See also:
Grammar Story: Comparatives and Superlatives – The Best Pizza in Town
English Grammar Story: Comparatives and Superlatives (Adverbs) - The Most Unusual Spy
English Grammar Story: Comparatives and Superlatives (Bad/Worse/Worst) - A Bad Day Gets Worse
English Grammar Story: Comparing with "Less" and "Least" - How Not to Start a Life of Crime
Comparatives and Superlatives Online Quizzes
Let's practice comparatives and superlatives by filling in the blanks in the copy of the story below:
Leo loves swimming. Every day, he goes to the pool to practice. He is a ____________ (good) swimmer, but he wants to be ____________ (good).
One afternoon, he watches his friend Noah. Noah swims ____________ (good) than Leo. He moves faster, and his movements are ____________ (smooth).
Leo asks, "Noah, how do you swim so well?"
Noah smiles and says, "I practice every morning. The more you practice, the ____________ (good) you become."
Leo decides to train harder. He wakes up early, stretches, and jumps into the pool before the sun rises. At first, it is difficult. His arms feel heavy, and his legs move slowly. But every day, he swims ____________ (good) than before.
A month later, the swimming coach announces a race. "The winner will get a big surprise," he says. Leo feels ready.
The day of the race arrives. The pool is full of swimmers. The whistle blows, and everyone dives in. Leo moves quickly. His arms push the water strongly, and his legs kick with perfect rhythm. He reaches the finish line ____________ (fast)!
The coach claps and says, "Leo is the ____________ (good) swimmer!"
Everyone cheers.
"And now," the coach continues, "for the big surprise…"
Leo waits, excited.
The coach smiles. "Leo, your prize is… waking up even earlier! From now on, you will train with the professional team at ____________ (early) every morning!"
Leo’s eyes widen. He thought the prize would be a medal. He looks at Noah, who laughs.
Leo sighs, then smiles widely. "Well," he says, "I guess to be the ____________ (good), I have to wake up the ____________ (early) too!"
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