There are four
demonstratives in the English language.
Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses
Purposes of demonstratives
A) Demonstratives are determiners that point to
something specific instead
of something general.
I want THAT shirt.
Does THIS jacket belong to you?
THOSE flowers are beautiful!
THESE cookies are delicious.
Demonstratives tell us exactly what the speaker is talking about.
might help to make a mental picture of someone pointing to what they
are referring to.
B) Demonstratives also tell us where a person or thing is located in
relation to the speaker, either physically or in time.
THIS and THESE tell us the noun is close to the speaker or is currently
This is a fun day!
(The "fun day" is happening now.)

These flowers are for you.(The flowers are close to the speaker because he is holding them.)
THAT and THOSE tell us the noun is farther away from the speaker or has
already happened.

That was a great game!(The game has already happened.)

Those boats are sinking!(The boats are out in the water.)
THIS and THAT are used with uncountable nouns or singular countable
dog, drink, child, sugar, salt
THESE and THOSE are used with plural countable nouns.
lights, houses, mice, computers
Demonstratives can be used as adjectives or pronouns.
1. Demonstrative Adjectives (determiners)
This, That, These, and Those are called
demonstrative adjectives when
they are used to modify a noun.
Demonstrative adjectives are used as
Demonstrative adjectives can go in the following places in sentences:
A) before the noun
This house is bigger than that house.
Those flowers are my favorite color.
These tomatoes are from my garden.
B) before the word "one"
This and That can also be placed before the word "one" when "one" is being used as the subject of the sentence.
This one is my favorite.
That movie is better than this one.
(That movie is better than this movie.)
C) before any adjectives that come before the noun
I remember that sunny morning when we met.
This black coat is mine.
Did you see those silly, white ducks?
These friendly students are in my class.
2. Demonstrative Pronouns
This, That, These, and Those are called
Demonstrative Pronouns when
they are used by themselves in place of a noun or they are used to refer to a noun.
That is the man who stole my money!("That" refers to "the man.")
This is a tasty pizza.("This" refers to the "pizza.")
These are all for me!("These" refers to the gifts because they are near.)
Those are his gifts.("Those" refers to "his gifts.")
These were the rules of Demonstratives. Now that you know them, it is time
to practice!
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