Compound Nouns
There are
many types of
in English.
Compound nouns are a special type of noun made of two or more words. There are many
compound nouns in
English, so it is important to understand and learn them well.
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In English, some words can be combined to form
compound nouns. A
compound noun is a
noun made with two or more words. Each compound noun works as a single noun.
Examples:- mother-in-law
- cellular phone
- chalkboard
Types of compound nouns
There are three types of compound nouns in English
Solid or
closed compound nouns (meaning there is no space or hyphen between words)
Hyphenated compound nouns
Open (spaced) compound nouns
Usually, there are no specific rules for using a
hyphen or a space in a
compound noun. However, you should keep it consistent.
- paperclip
- paper-clip
- paper clip
All three forms of this compound noun are acceptable in English.
Hyphens are not used as often in modern American English.
You can also use a dictionary to check for the acceptable way to write compound nouns.
Forms of compound nouns
Here are some common ways to form
compound nouns by combining two or more English words:
Plural compound nouns
To create the
plural form of a
compound noun, the plural ending is usually added to the
noun. If compound words are formed with two nouns, the plural ending is added to the
main noun.
Examples:- lady-in-waiting => ladies-in-waiting
- mother-in-law => mothers-in-law
- outcome => outcomes
- superpower => superpowers
- football => footballs
- overthrow => overthrows
- assistant secretary of state => assistant secretaries of state
When a compound noun is formed with two
nouns (printer cartridge; football), the second noun becomes
plural. The first noun acts as an
adjective because it describes the second noun. The second noun is the base noun.
- printer cartridge => printer cartridges
- peach tree => peach trees
- wall clock => wall clocks
- question mark => question marks
compound nouns do not have an obvious base word. You should use a
dictionary to check the correct spelling of these compound nouns.
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