Character Traits Worksheets

It's important to be able to describe your own personality or someone else's, so get some practice with these character traits worksheets. You can learn some common words that are useful in describing what a person is like and practice using them. These worksheets include examples and illustrations.

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Character traits (also called personality traits) are qualities or characteristics that describe what a person is like.

We usually use adjectives to describe someone's personality, but we can also use nouns.

We use these words to respond to the question: What is he or she like?

This is a question that asks about someone's personality.

Be careful!

Do not confuse the two questions below. They ask about different things!
  • What is he or she like? --> personality

  • What does he or she look like? --> physical appearance


- What is she like?
- She is blonde, short, and athletic.


- What is she like?
- She is intelligent and funny.

Now that we know how to ask about someone's personality, let's find out how to answer!

First, let's go over some of the most common adjectives and nouns that are used to describe people's personalities and how to form sentences with them. At the bottom of this page, you will find exercises to practice using character traits.

Character trait adjectives

When we use an adjective to describe someone's personality, we use the verb BE.

woman with an organized closet

For example: Dora is organized!

In this sentence, the word organized is a character trait. It tells us something about Dora's personality.

What is Dora like? She is organized!


It's a good idea to learn character trait vocabulary using opposites or words that mean the same thing. Look at the following examples:
  • organized / neat ≠ disorganized / messy

  • active / energetic ≠ inactive / lazy

  • responsible ≠ irresponsible

  • fun ≠ boring

As you learn new words to describe someone's personality, it's a good idea to keep a list or a notebook using all the opposites (or antonyms) and words that mean the same thing (synonyms) that you can. Write your own examples to help you remember the pairs of words!

These words above are all adjectives. When we talk about someone's personality using an adjective, we use this structure:

subject + BE + character trait adjective

If we want to use multiple character traits in the sentence, we use commas.

magician pulling a rabbit from a hat

Gary the magician is funny, creative, and original!

This sentence tells us information about Gary's personality using three adjectives, which are separated by commas.

What is Gary like? He is funny, creative, and original!

Character trait nouns

Sometimes we use nouns or noun phrases to talk about someone's personality. 

a man running with his teammate   

Harold is a team player. He likes to run with his teammates!

What is Harold like? He is a team player!

Did you notice the difference? When we use a noun to describe someone's personality, we can use this structure:

subject + BE + a/an + character trait noun

When we use a noun, we must use a/an before the character trait noun. Nouns are less common that adjectives to describe someone's personality, but here are a few common character trait nouns:
  • leader ≠ follower

  • team player ≠ loner

  • winner ≠ loser

  • saint ≠ devil

As you have probably noticed, we can divide character traits into the categories positive or negative. Some characteristics are desirable in people, and others are not!

What kind of people do you like to work with or spend time with? Look at the table below. If you need to, be sure to use a good dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don't know!

honest dishonest
happy sad
funny boring
mature immature
patient impatient
brave cowardly
confident insecure
outgoing / social shy

Exercise A: Character trait adjectives

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence that describes each picture.

a couple dancing

They are very ____________!

a.) lazy
b.) energetic
c.) boring
d.) shy

a woman looking through a telescope

Melanie is ____________.

a.) social
b.) responsible
c.) curious
d.) disorganized

woman speaking on the telephone

Cheryl is so ____________!

a.) talkative
b.) organized
c.) brave
d.) hard-working

woman doing exercise

Elizabeth is quite ____________.

a.) shy
b.) confident
c.) impatient
d.) active

a man in a car who has run over a stop sign

Mr. Alfredson is a bit ____________.

a.) careful
b.) careless
c.) outgoing
d.) organized

Exercise B: Character trait nouns

Match the character trait nouns from the list with the pictures below.

loner   -   devil   -   romantic   -   winner   -   leader

a man with flowers and hearts

Eddie is a real ____________!

a girl who is great at basketball

Gretchen is a ____________!

a boy stealing cookies

Ronny is a little ____________!

boy with teddy bear

Mikey doesn't really like to play with other children. He is more of a ____________.

a woman dance instructor

Everyone follows Angela, the dance teacher. She is a ____________!

Exercise C: Character trait synonyms

Match the words from the list below with their synonyms in the table.

timid   -   nice   -   smart   -   social   -   inactive

1. outgoing
2. shy
3. intelligent
4. kind
5. lazy

Exercise D: Character trait antonyms

Use the correct word from the list below to complete the sentences for each picture. Each sentence contains an antonym (a word with the opposite meaning).

hard-working   -   messy   -   smart   -   dishonest   -   nervous

a woman reading a book

Kristen reads all the time. She isn't stupid; she's very ____________!

a woman with a disorganized desk

Look at all that disorder! Lydia isn't neat; she's quite ____________.

a shaking man with a coffee

Don can't ever sit still. He isn't calm; he's so ____________.

a woman with lots of paperwork

Look at Evelyn with all those forms! She isn't lazy; she's very ____________.

a man stealing money

That man stole all that money! He isn't honest; he's terribly ____________!

Answer Key

Exercise A:
1. They are very energetic!
2. Melanie is curious.
3. Cheryl is so talkative!
4. Elizabeth is quite active.
5. Mr. Alfredson is a bit careless.

Exercise B:
1. Eddie is a real romantic!
2. Gretchen is a winner!
3. Ronny is a little devil!
4. Mikey doesn't really like to play with other children. He is more of a loner.
5. Everyone follows Angela, the dance teacher. She is a leader!

Exercise C:
1. outgoing - social
2. shy - timid
3. intelligent - smart
4. kind - nice
5. lazy - inactive

Exercise D:
1. Kristen reads all the time. She isn't stupid; she's very smart!
2. Look at all that disorder! Lydia isn't neat; she's quite messy.
3. Don can't ever sit still. He isn't calm; he's so nervous.
4. Look at Evelyn with all those forms! She isn't lazy; she's very hard-working.
5. That man stole all that money! He isn't honest; he's terribly dishonest!

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