Who Makes Bite Sized English?

My name is Toby and I'm an English teacher at a private language school.

Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses

Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All Tenses

I've really enjoyed teaching English. The subject itself could become boring – the grammar doesn't change, and explaining the simple past everyday gets old – but I have a job where I can learn as much from my students as they do from me. And I really enjoy the feeling of helping someone else reach their goals. You can find out more about me on the about your teacher page.

Toby, the creator of Bite Sized English

What is Bite Sized English?

The Internet is full of ways to practice, but who has the time? Our goal is to provide you with a few minutes of English every day. The idea is that, with only a few minutes, you can improve your vocabulary.

More importantly, with just a few minutes of practice a day, you can avoid losing what you've worked so hard to learn!

Every day – or maybe every weekday – we aim to have a little something extra for you to use to practice and improve your English.

My goal is this: to deliver on the promise that, if you visit Bite Sized English regularly, you'll keep the English skills you've acquired and maybe develop some more.

To do this, I'm dedicated to adding new content every day – in small 'bite size' doses – and, of course, to responding to your feedback.

How do I use Bite Sized English?

The idea is simple. You click on Bite Sized English.

The most important thing to practice is expressing yourself in English
For that reason, let me encourage you to answer the questions at the end of each post. In the vocabulary texts, some words are in bold. If you read all the way to the end of the text, you'll find English-language descriptions of the words in bold.

These aren't definitions, because you can find them at online dictionaries everywhere, and they aren't translations, because you're at Bite Sized English to practice thinking in English. The word descriptions are the kind of description you might get from an American, if you asked him to explain a word you didn't understand.
This lesson was written by Toby, an American English teacher that lives in Germany. Toby is the creator of Bite Sized English.

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