Best English Blog Awards 2013


Best English Blog Awards 2013 Nominee

Carla ArenaBlog name: Collablogatorium, by Carla Arena

Blog's date of creation: 2008, but I was previously blogging on another blogging platform since 2005

Where are you located in the world: Brasilia, Brazil

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1. What do you think makes your blog special? 

I try to make it relevant to the educational community, providing teachers with practical tips, as well as news, latest technologies and trends.

2. What is the most useful resource/page/section on your blog? 

I think the blog posts are the most relevant. So, if a teacher is looking for specific content in the blog, then the labels part on the sidebar might be helpful for him/her to get to the posts that they might be looking for.

3. How do you make lessons fun and engaging for your students? 

I try to make the content relevant by connecting to their world. I use the means that they are used to to keep in touch, to communicate with them. We develop different kinds of projects, and I give space for them to express themselves and enhance their creativity. Projects, games are also part of the fun!

4. What are your top three suggestions for English learners? 

Read and listen to things you most love in English; If you have the chance, make sure you spend at least a month studying in an English speaking country; Watch the films you love twice - once with subtitles and the next time without them.

5. Could you share some wisdom? What is the most common mistake you see English teachers make?

I think teachers should always be willing to innovate, to get out of their comfort zones to learn a new trick, skill that can be helpful in their classes. We should never lose the perspective of the ones we are teaching, our students. We should be humble enough to learn with them and be able to help them see what they are capable of.

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a booklet with educational stories  in simple English.

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